We provide you with convenient ways to register your children.
Online Register
Register at Kindly fill up the form with latest information. New students registration will be closed in July each year. Date of Placement Test will be informed in July.
Placement Test
Make payment at least RM50 2 weeks before placement test to secure a seat. Your child will take written test in Bahasa Melayu, English and Mathematics. Oral Test for English, Bahasa Melayu and Iqra'.
School administrator will make an appointment with parents 1 or 2 weeks earlier to set the date for interview. Head of department will interview students and also both parents during the interview session.
Result will be sent by email within the months of interview. Parents need to complete all attached forms and submit to school together with the registration fees and deposit to confirm your child's place.
What People Say
KMS is different from another school as the curriculum and the system build students's character not only IQ and academics. I would always recommend KMS as KMS not only teach and build a good character in students but they also provide training (and I think that is so important and beneficial) to parents.
For the last three years, we observed significant changes in Afnan's behaviour; true leadership skills & teamwork spirit surfaces, betterment of self confidence and he explicitly understands his role as a son, eldest brother & khalifah. We observed a lot of quality in other students too, and it is truly inspiring. We believe such quality can only be developed with the right educational concept - Khalifah Method and some elements from other methods too (that make KMS not the ordinary), enthusiastic KMS teachers to ensure the concept to be practiced, committed PTA & parents to provide a strong support system to the school, and the little khalifah themselves to embrace the Khalifah Method.
KMS provides a high-quality education in a friendly and family-type environment, successfully preparing students for their future education, growth and development using Khalifah Method. The school allows our children develop not just knowledge academically but also skill sets that are critical and required further in life such as faith, good character, kindness, respect and team work. The whole environment where this is achieved is important i.e. the classes are small, and the education is personal, hence the teachers know their students and can tailor their efforts to individual student needs.
There are tons of reasons why I like Khalifah Model School and one of them is the khalifah environment that no other school afford to create. I remember when we had to memorize a lot of hadiths by giving them a melody and somehow these hadiths are still on my mind and it becomes a daily reminder for me during my ups n downs. KMS manages to shape the students' attitude and brings a huge impact to our lives. We might not realise it now but maybe later, when we grow older and able to think more maturely. I also like how KMS sees every students’ potential. They brought out the best of us without being biased. Of course, I love learning about Khalifah Method. I mean where else can you get long-term lessons like that. Khalifah Method makes it easier for us to think and choose between the good and bad. I'm in the process of growing up so it is very important for me to practice what I've learned like inner speech and self control...
I really believe in KMS for its holistic approach in education. That is why we send both of our kids to KMS. The Khalifah Method is a unique system that can make a student understand the whole concept of being a good Muslim. Besides the teachers are awesome and cool! Education is not only focusing on perfect scoring in exam, but it is more on creating better world with producing better human being. KMS there's more than meets the eye!
KMS meet the criteria that we looked for in a school. Its curriculum, which includes academic, religious, Qur'anic, sports, art, and music offers a comprehensive and complete education. The school also trains the students to be morally good by choice not by force. Furthermore, the Khalifah Method incorporates the roles of parents, via enhancement of parenting skills, to jointly educate and shape the "akhlaq" of the students. Last but not least, the school also provides nutritious meals and daycare facility for the students. This is extremely convenient for working parents.
...what i enjoyed learning in KMS mostly wasn't the academic sessions we had, since isn't what made KMS so special in comparison to other schools, but the extras you learn along your journey in KMS. The environment gave me a good grasp in the English Language, which many nowadays lack, it taught me leadership skills, a dire need for the future generation of Malaysia and the ummah, and has also shaped me to be a good Muslim towards my brothers and sisters in Islam. Habluminallah wa Habluminannas, KMS taught me not to sever my bonds with others as they taught me the significance of have good relations with others